Thor Odinson is a fictional character portrayed by Chris Hemsworth in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film franchise, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. In the films, Thor is one of the most powerful of the Asgardians, an ancient alien civilization with long ties to Earth, who humans consider to be gods. Thor is a founding and central member of the Avengers and later joins the Guardians of the Galaxy.
★Type: Avengers 3: Infinity War Thor Cosplay Boots
★Source: Avengers: Infinity War
★Character: Thor
★Material: PU Leather
★Package includes: One pair of shoes. Shop This Thor Costume, Click Here>>
★Shipping: Free Economic Shipping. If you are urgent, please choose DHL.
★Inventory: Made To Order Item. Tailoring time is about 15-20 days
★Occasion: Street wear, everyday dressing, masquerade, cosplay party, carnival, Halloween, Great gift for Marvel fans.
★Takerlama is a professional manufacturer of all kinds of costumes and accessories for CHRISTMAS, HALLOWEEN, CARNIVAL, EASTER, ST. Patrick's day, National day, Football funs, Mardi gras, Masquerade Party Cosplay and all kinds of seasonal holidays and parties. If you have any question, please contact us via [email protected] .
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All Products ordered from us can be cancelled within 24 hours free of charge, but orders cancelled after 24 hours are subject to a handling fee equalling 50% of the item price. We thank you in advance for your understanding.
We support custom service:
If size chart is not suitable, you could contact us for custom made. Please choose the Custom-Made when you place order. The processing time is about 20-25 days for customize , hope you can understand!
Pls leave a message or send us email ( [email protected]) the measurements (cm or inches) as below for custom made.